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About me
Computer Scientist with interest in Algorithms and Data Science
and background in Software Engineering.
Since 2020
Co-Founder, ML advisor and developer Ledavio KIG Online moodboard tool using Django, AngularJS, custom TypeScript canvas renderer, Docker Since 2020
Machine Learning Engineer/Data Scientist
Data Science/ML Engineering Student Employee
Bachelor Computer Science Thesis: The Distiller (GitHub) Apr-Sep 2017
Data Science Intern
- Data and Algorithm-supported Problem Solving
- Networks, Graphs and Route Planning
- Software and Web development
- Data Science and Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Big Data and Databases
Skill tags
- Route Planning
- Network Analysis
- Python
- Java
- C
- Swift
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Sass, TypeScript
- Pandas, SciPy, Numpy, Scikit-learn
- FastAPI, Django and WSGI
- Git
- Docker (compose)
- Jenkins, Drone
Also worked with
- Rust
- Scala+Spark
- Obj-C
- C++
- NodeJS
- Svelte, React, Angular
- Keras, PyTorch
- OpenGL
- Kubernetes
- Grafana
- Nginx
- BigQuery
- Hadoop